
Day of the Shell (TBA)

Fast Paced Roguelite Tactical. Developed by Duper Games and Published by Goblinz.


Audio Direction, Music, Sound Effects, FMOD, Additional Programming, Integration, UX, Narration

LD46: The Secret Flame (web)

Made in 72h for Ludum Dare #46. Ranked #4 out of 3576 entries.


Music, Sound Effects, Additional Programming, Integration

Monastr (Mobile)

Indie mobile game made with Unreal Engine by Eleven Dusk Studios.


Audio Consulting, Sound Design, Audio UX


Made in Unity in under a week for Music Game Jam 2017. Ranked #2 out of 59 entries.


Project Management, Programming, Game Design, Level Design, Integration

Potitastro (web)

Indie game vertical slice made in Gdevelop by Eliezer Leneus and Thibault Moulin.


Music, Additional Sound Design, Integration


You Played Yourself

Made in a week for Movie Game Jam 2017. Ranked #2 out of 115 entries.


Composition (procedural, interactive music)

Shepard’s Crazy Stairs (web)

Made in under a week for Audio Game Jam 2, with a focus on accessibility: playable by blind people and challenging for everyone.


Project Management, Game Design, Level Design, Programming, Integration

Flappy Fish (web)

Flappy Fish is a base project for game development workshops I run as part of Empowerment Lab, teaching girls aged 12-16 game development and many other creative and digital skills.


Project Management, Programming, Game Design, Course Development